Sunday, February 1, 2009

How the Monkey met his Match

My son has a sock monkey.

Its not just any old sock monkey...this one's got an attitude like you wouldn't believe. I haven't ever actually spoken with him personally, but I do know that he and Luca have long conversations prior to Luca's morning nap that usually end with the sock monkey saying something so disturbing that my poor boy ends up very grumpy.

The whole ordeal goes something like this:
I lay Luca down in his crib for his morning contemplation / nap. Luca turns to the monkey, offers the morning topic of conversation in his four month old baby chatter and away they go. Things start out friendly enough, Luca babbles away, the monkey does whatever it is he does that holds up his end of the conversation and all seems well.

I have no idea what these two are talking about, but I have a sense (call it mother's intuition) that they are discussing politics. At some point the whole conversation goes sour. Luca's good-natured chatter turns to complaints and then to protests and he usually ends up so upset that he either refuses to talk to the monkey anymore and turns away to stare out the window and chomp furiously on his pacifier OR needs his mommy to make that bad, bad monkey go away so that he can get some peace and quiet.

These are the questions I have:
1. Has a conservative republican monkey somehow infiltrated my home?
2. Is he trying to brainwash my son?

In any case the monkey and I are going to have to have a chat because he is seriously jeopardizing nap time. What this monkey doesn't know yet is that I'm a recovering intellectual turned stay at home mom, who (before I had a baby and lost 50 IQ points...more on that later) used to be pretty sharp. This monkey may have met his match.


  1. i know that if i were the monkey - i'd be worried now! i love you and miss you, little momma...

  2. I am thinking we should bless the monkey. Perhaps if we alter his energy fields he will realize his political faux-pas... hmmm I will surround him in light and send him crystal blessings but it that doesn't work, I will kick that monkies' ass!

    Love ya~
