Thursday, February 5, 2009


This is the reason why blogging is a really, really bad idea.

So poor Luca has got a majorly stuffy nose and last night when he woke up to eat he was so stuffed that he was choking and sputtering and overall having an AWFUL time of it. So, I got him up and walked him around and decided to change his diaper.

So there I am at 2:30am, standing at the changing table trying to coax this GINORMOUS booger out of Luca's nose and thoroughly enjoying myself. I was up for the challenge. Those of you with children know that there is little in life more satisfying than getting a giant piece of snot out of your kid's nose. I finally got it out and it was, what Kreg likes to call, a "booger the size of King Kong".

And do you know what went through my mind as I was working on this little project?

Have you ever picked a booger out of someone's nose at 2am?
What a great topic for a blog post!

No it isn't. No it isn't. No it isn't.
I am so sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I am not quite sure how to respond to that. On the one hand.. dude you are blogging about boogers ummmm right. But on the other hand seeing how much you love your child brings about an "Awwww" moment.... Just keep the awww moments to a minimum cool?

